Premature Aging: The Skincare Must-Knows
Aging is a natural process that we can't avoid, and I truly believe in embracing it gracefully.
But there is such thing as premature aging. The main causes of premature aging are sun damage, nutrient -poor diet, alcohol, lack of sleep and stress.
We do have control over slowing aging that is happening faster than it should be. I noticed this personally when I saw changes in my skin when I was in my early thirties. As a new mother, I wasn't focused on treatments or using professional skincare products, this combined with lack of sleep, likely contributed to the rapid changes I observed.
I noticed dehydration, deeper lines around the eyes, pigmentation and a dull complexion. These are the types of skin conditions that can be improved with the correct homecare and treatments, and that’s exactly what I did.
When it comes to managing your skin and restoring its health, the first step is to address the dehydration.
A dehydrated skin can be rough, flaky, and prone to sensitivity and breakouts. We need to get the right balance of water and oil to have a well-functioning acid mantle, which is the protective film on the outer layer of the skin.
Firstly, look at what you currently use in your skincare routine. Does anything feel stripping on the skin or make your skin feel tight? Your cleanser and exfoliant should leave your skin feeling clean and comfortable, but not squeaky clean and dry. If your skin is dehydrated, stay away from hydroxy acids and over-exfoliating. Strip it back and keep it simple: a gentle cleanser, an enzyme exfoliant (if needed), a hydrator and a physical mineral-based sunblock.
For a dehydrated skin, the next step is to introduce an Omega 3 supplement, preferably a combined EPA & DHA dose of at least 3000mg. Your skin therapist will be able to advise the right one. When taking a supplement, essential fatty acids are delivered to the stem cells by the capillaries, so they can produce healthy, plump skin cells.
Once the dehydration has improved and the acid mantle is restored, it’s time to welcome active ingredients, at their recommended doses. This will stimulate cellular responses to modify cell behaviour and improve skin conditions. Hooray!